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      Home > Products > Applications > EMC007 AI-enabled Chiller Plant Optimization

      EMC007 AI-enabled Chiller Plant Optimization

      A modular control cabinet designed for high-efficiency chiller plants and airsides, integrating power distribution, control, measurement, and management

      Achieves up to 20%-30% comprehensive energy savings

      Das offer users full-service product design, installation, and commissioning

      Product Features

      Fault Prediction and Alarm

      Enhances safety and reliability, speeding up fault response in central air conditioning systems

      Remote Monitoring

      Enables intelligent management, reducing operational workload for users

      Energy Efficiency

      Utilizes predictive global optimization and active control for cost-effective energy efficiency, cutting down system operating expenses

      Fault Prediction and Alarm

      Enhances safety and reliability, speeding up fault response in central air conditioning systems

      Remote Monitoring

      Enables intelligent management, reducing operational workload for users

      Energy Efficiency

      Utilizes predictive global optimization and active control for cost-effective energy efficiency, cutting down system operating expenses

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      Application scenario

      EMC007 is widely used in public facilities like hospitals, industries, commercial complexes, and metro lines.

      300+ install bases 

      EMC007 is widely used in public facilities like hospitals, industries, commercial complexes, and metro lines.

      300+ install bases 

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      Core technologies

      Energy-Saving Software

      Advanced control algorithms and data software


      Control room management computer

      Main Control Cabinet

      "Brain" of the control system in the machine room

      Auxiliary Control Cabinet

      Controls for pumps, water towers, valves, etc., in the machine room


      Installed outdoors or in pipelines for temperature, pressure, flow, etc.

      Energy-Saving Software

      Advanced control algorithms and data software


      Control room management computer

      Main Control Cabinet

      "Brain" of the control system in the machine room

      Auxiliary Control Cabinet

      Controls for pumps, water towers, valves, etc., in the machine room


      Installed outdoors or in pipelines for temperature, pressure, flow, etc.

      Learn more

      Success Case

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